This last Saturday was the Good Sam Mini Show. I look forward to it every year. I got some great finds. I finally got my little furry Westie for a good price. I've lovingly named him "Frodo." I also got a cute little ground hog. I named him Harold after a real one who I made friends with. We ended up having to capture him and bring him to a big open field so he wouldn't get hurt by the homeowners of the lawns he was destroying. I miss the real Harold, but now I'll have a reminder of him in my mini lawn.
I got adorable garage accessories. Ive been told that I need to test for my ham radio license, so for those people, I got a mini CB radio for my work bench. I also got an adorable air hose, rusty chain, spilled oil, and a jar of nuts and bolts.
An Egyptian papyrus (just like the life-size ones I have in my room), a water bottle, a pumpkin, a pillow, grass, vines, grapes, purse kit, and a perfect Chinese Checkers board were amongst my other buys. I love playing Chinese Checkers. It was definitely a challenge to glue in all those little marbles (I did each one separately), but I made sure to have the correct number of marbles in places they would normally be 3/4 of the way through the game.
It was a good mini show.
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